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Recipes and Nutrition Resources

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Welcome to N.C. Cooperative Extension’s Recipes and Nutrition Resources page! Get ready to dive into a delicious world of healthy eating and culinary creativity. Explore our top-notch nutrition tips and mouthwatering recipes, and unlock the amazing benefits of nutrient-packed foods. Use these resources to kickstart your journey to a vibrant, healthy, and energized life!

Mediterranean foods

Med Instead of Meds
Adopting a Mediterranean-style eating pattern, inspired by the dietary habits of those living in the Mediterranean region, has demonstrated significant health benefits and can reduce the risk of numerous chronic diseases. This approach to eating encompasses the fundamental principles of healthy nutrition traditionally observed in Mediterranean-bordering countries. Beyond its health advantages, embracing the Mediterranean diet offers a flavorful and gratifying culinary experience. Surprisingly, foods previously deemed too high in fat or unhealthy, such as nuts, olive oil, olives, and whole grains, become staple components of your daily meals. Additionally, resources like the MED instead of Meds program from NC State University provide practical guidance and support for incorporating this nutritious and delicious eating style into your lifestyle.

Watch our Monthly Newsletter or Events Calendar for the next hands-on Meds series!

Brandi’s Favorite Recipes from Med Instead of Meds
Berry Overnight Oats
Curried Cauliflower and Chickpea Tacos
Olive Spread
Quick Burrito Bowl
Whole Wheat Pasta with Pesto with Vegetables

quick burrito bowl dish

MyPlate – U.S. Department of Agriculture
Learn how to eat healthy with MyPlate, the official symbol of the five food groups.

my plate food groups diagram

Budget Bytes
Recipes and meal plans for small budgets.

American Diabetes Association
Are you living with diabetes? Get recipes, meal plans, healthy eating tips and more!

Food Hero – Oregon State University
With Food Hero, you can budget for, plan, and create countless healthy, super tasty meals and learn how to grow your own food.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Dietary Guidelines) provides advice on what to eat and drink to meet nutrient needs, promote health, and prevent disease. It is developed and written for a professional audience, including policymakers, healthcare providers, nutrition educators, and federal nutrition program operators. The U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture (USDA) work together to update and release the Dietary Guidelines every five years. Each edition of the Dietary Guidelines reflects the current body of nutrition science.